Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Holy Crap it's almost Christmas! Life is more than "in full swing" here in Melindaville... Thankfully, we've finished all of our major shopping! Yay us! A few smaller gifts to get, but as far as our families go... we're done!!! Now it's all about planning. Never actually had to plan much before. Someone else always did... dinner, travel arrangements, sleeping arrangements, visiting this family member, having that family member visit us... Oy! It'll be crazy to say the least. But this year is going to be different anyway. Our first real holiday season without my Grandparents has begun... They always used to say that they wouldn't be around forever... I'm discovering that this empty ache never goes away, instead you just learn to live with it. We're doing what we can to make things the same, even though some of us are trying to make subtle changes here and there(and even my own Hubby keeps saying that we should "start our own traditions"). On the one hand I would love to not travel and have a rather quiet day with my Love and Littles. But, on the other foot, it'll be a tough day for all of us and we should be together... even though it won't be even remotely the same. We're all dealing with it in our own ways; some out loud and very dramatically, others suffering quietly on the inside while they put up the big, ridiculously upbeat, and happy face. To each his own. I'm sure we all know what to expect from each other anyway. We'll be OK; plod on through the not so good parts and really relish the excellence of the better bits. So if I don't get back here before it all goes down... Happiness to all during this Holiday Season! From the crazy folk here in New Hampshire...

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