Thursday, November 30, 2006

My little boy lost his first tooth! Jeeze! I've got one cutting teeth(she's got four now! And I'm sure there's more on the way shortly.) and one spitting them out. I sent pictures off to my family. So cool.
In other news, my cousin spent the day in the hospital(because we haven't had enough of this in the family in the past year!). She was having chest pains all evening and finally at midnight, she bit the bullit and went in. Fortunatly they ruled out heart issues(her father died at 47 of a massive heart attack, no warning at all, he wasn't even overweight!). It seemed she strained the muscles in her chest(rib cage?) pretty good. She's just getting home now. One more crisis averted...
My Grampa met with the home hospice nurse today. In short; he's not to be left alone at all, he is not to be climbing the stairs at all, he's to use his walker when ever he gets up, and a hospital bed is being delivered on Monday. Poor guy. Needless to say, he's pretty pissed, but what can anyone do? I just hope(and I know that, on some levels, this is a terrible thing to say) that this does not drag on and on. He's miserable and hates living(if you can even call it that he says) like this. For his sake, I hope the cancer takes him quickly(I need a "fuck cancer" shirt).
My husband is home for a change. He's been working like crazy lately, and while the extra money is good, I miss him. And anyone that knows him, I'm sure wonders why. Marc's personallity is similar to that of an ornery horse that hasn't been broken in yet. He was a bit of a trouble maker(putting it mildly, he's a convicted felon for christ sake) in his younger days. He's been tamed quite a bit since we've been together, but not totally. And I like it that way. Otherwise, he'd be like every other guy out there, and that's not who I married. What can I say, I have a thing for the "bad boy." Lucky for me, I managed to find one that didn't mind toning it down a little for a wife and family kinda life. But I'll be the first to admit, if we didn't have kids, we'd make excellent criminals(hahaha)...

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