Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Life

Holy Cow I'm Tired!  This new life of mine is exhausting!  When we lived in the old house, with just the four of us, I'd be up all hours of the night... knitting, watching Lost on Netflix (obsession!) or a movie with the Hubbs.  Now, I'm falling into bed exhausted by 9!  Understandably so, I think...  This house is much bigger and therefor requires much more cleaning, not to mention all the unpacking and organizing still going on, and the always growing project list.  This house is also much busier, constantly buzzing with activity.  

The five littles have all settled in very nicely.  Bedtime is still a bit wrinkly, but we're keeping the irons hot.  =)  I love that my Little Bird always has a playmate.  I thought the transition would be particularly difficult for her (she had gotten quite used to being the only princess in the house)...

And that's where I stopped last night...  Yep, with my computer in the kitchen (per my rather adamant request and the dismay of the rest of the family... although now that I think about it, some of them don't hesitate to  sit down at my desk or even sometimes using my ill placed computer, go figure) I'm finding it really difficult to find some peace and quiet.  It's my own fault, the kitchen is the heart of the house.  The biggest adjustment for me isn't the workload that comes with a bigger and fuller house and family (cooking and for ten, cleaning a much bigger house) it's the noise level.  I'm now realizing how quiet my two kids were when it was just the four of us.  And self entertaining.  And how well they got along (well, not right now... they're currently arguing about emptying the dishwasher *smirk*).  Don't misunderstand, I'm not bitching (OK... maybe just the teeniest, tiniest, smidgen of a whine *pinches finger and thumb together to demonstrate just how little*).  I really love the way things have worked out for the most part.  My daughter always has someone to play with.  My son has a back yard to play in.  Both my kids have three other adults to turn to and learn from.  I'm now able to run errands and go grocery shopping and leave the house without *gasp* my littles in tow ('cause grocery shopping with Mumma is sooooo much fun!).  

So it seems I've traded a bit of piece and quiet (and maybe what's left of my sanity... but who needs that *grin*) for a few much sweeter perks.  Here's hoping it stays this way!

The Small Boy and I are participating in the local Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk to support one of our friends.  While I've already met my fund raising goal, this is one instance where less is definitely not more!  So I'm holding a raffle...  for every $10 you donate to my page, I'll enter your name into a drawing for a pair of custom hand knit socks.  The link is above, and if you donate please be sure to leave your name and some sort of contact info (email is good) so I can get in touch with you. 

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