Wednesday, May 18, 2011


All sorts of progress these days!

Progress on the homeschooling front...  The Small Boy has completed his first online course with flying colors!!!  His final grade for the class was 100%... I don't know who was prouder, him or me.  =)  It was a great class, gave him the tools he'll need for more online learning next year.  We've gone ahead and registered him for fall classes... English, Math, Science, and Social Studies.  And, I'm pretty sure I've been able to locate a few good local homeschooling families/support groups.  It's all falling into place so nicely, just proves that this is indeed the right path for us.

Progress on the kindergarten front...  The Little Bird has begun the registration progress, skipping merrily down the hall without me to check out her future classroom.  Seeing her go so happily, willingly, and confidently just reaffirms that I've done something right and she's ready.  Hubbs and I have a few reservations... given the combining of schools (see previous posts for details) and budget issues.  But, despite all that, this particular school has always left a good impression on me.  The administration is good, the teachers are teaching for the right reasons... so she'll go to kindergarten, with Mummy and Daddy watching closely.  By then I think we'll have our feet comfortably planted in the land of homeschool, so if it's necessary we'll go that route with her too.  In the mean time, she's so excited I think she may explode a little each day until she finally gets to ride the big yellow bus!

Progress on the medical front...  after losing our beloved family doctor (very long story and I don't care to get into it... there have been a lot of incredibly judgmental comments thrown about... all I know is I've never, ever seen a doctor so willing to invest herself personally in her patients like she did... we miss her dearly!) we scrambled to find another one in time for med checks and school physical forms.  We found an office not far from home that is affiliated with our hospital of choice... but u-g-h!  We've been there for three of my son's med checks and seen three different doctors/ARNPs.  Prescriptions have been inaccurately written and forgotten altogether.  Doctors do not give their patients their undivided attention, and are usually running very late.  Hell, one doctor (one that delivers babies mind you) commented on my nephew's "great looking circumcision"... yea, my nephew isn't circumcised.  Way to go Doc!  So now I'm looking for a new doctor... again.... but this go around I have time on my side.  I'll tough it out here while properly looking into a doctor that suits my family.  I guess I've been spoiled a bit...

More progress on the medical front...  It seems that we may finally have answers regarding most, if not all, of the small boys medical issues.  Bacterial Overgrowth In His Stomach  Who knew, right?  The bacteria in your intestines is good and supposed to be there.  But, all good things in moderation...  he has so much that it's filling his stomach, which decreases his appetite and blocks absorption and digestion, causing slow growth and poor dental health and maybe even the hypoglycemic episodes/blood sugar issues... FUN!  Hooray for answers!!!  Solution?  Antibiotics... his very first one.  =(  But if this solves his growth and digestion and sugar issues, it'll be well worth it!!!

And now I think I've prattled on enough... Hubbs is waiting for me for some quiet time.  Good night all and happy reading!

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